
Take advantage of the app to get more followers for your Instagram or TikTok.


Android 6.0 or higher

To use InsteLikes on Android, you must have Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, from 2014) or higher. It is mandatory that your device and your graphics processor have support for OpenGLES 3.0. The processor must be an ARM (32 bits or 64 bits). It is recommended to have at least 2 GB of RAM and 70 MB of free storage. It is necessary to have an Internet connection to use the resources.


Windows 10 or higher

To use InsteLikes on Windows, you must have an updated Windows 10 or Windows 11. It is mandatory that your graphics card has support for DirectX and OpenGL. It is recommended to have 2 GB of RAM or more and at least 1 GB of free space on the disk. It is necessary to have an Internet connection to use the resources.


macOS 12 (Monterey) or higher

To use InsteLikes on macOS, you must have a macOS 12 (Monterey) or higher. It is mandatory that your graphics card has support for sRGB, as well as support for Metal. It is recommended to have 512 MB of RAM or more and at least 1 GB of free space on the disk. It is necessary to have an Internet connection to use the resources.


Not available

The application is not yet available to the general public. It is expected that InsteLikes will continue to require iOS 15 or higher.

Continue on Browser

Safari 15/Chrome 110/Firefox 108 or higher

InsteLikes can be used in the browser, with some limitations. To use it in the browser, you must have a modern and updated browser. We recommend that you use, at least, Safari 15 (on iOS and MacOS) or Firefox 108 (on Android / Windows / macOS / Linux). It is necessary to have a high-speed Internet connection to use the resources.

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