What does inactive, paused or cancelled mean?

Last updated on 2022-05-24
Published on 2022-05-24

When you create an order under "Promote", you can track the campaign's progress under "History". All orders have a status, which are:

  • Created: A request like "Created" indicates that it has been registered in the InsteLikes database, but is not yet visible to other users.
  • Active: An order like "Active" is a temporary status, this indicates that the order can be viewed in the "Feed" and is visible to other users.
  • Inactive: An order like "Inactive" is a temporary state, while in this way other users cannot see the order. This occurs when there is another "Active" order for the same publication and with the same type of interaction.
  • Paused: An order like "Paused" is a temporary state, while in this way other users cannot see the order. This occurs when the amount of pending orders is sufficient to reach the maximum amount of requests. The order will no longer be "Paused" after InsteLikes has reviewed the related pending transactions.
  • Canceled: An order like "Canceled" is a final state. This indicates that the order cannot be completed, you can see more information by clicking here.
  • Completed: An order like "Completed" is a completed order, similar to "Canceled". However, in this case, it indicates that all allocated coins have been used up and run out.

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